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API: GGanttChart

The main component of Vue Ganttastic. Represents an entire chart and is meant to have at least one g-gantt-row child component.


chart-startstringStart date-time of the chart.
chart-endstringEnd date-time of the chart.
precisionstring?"hour"Display precision of the time-axis. Possible values: hour, day, date, week and month.
bar-startstringName of the property in bar objects that represents the start date.
bar-endstringName of the property in bar objects that represents the end date .
date-formatstring | false"YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm"Datetime string format of chart-start, chart-end and the values of the bar-start, bar-end properties in bar objects. See Day.js format tokens. If the aforementioned properties are native JavaScript Date objects in your use case, pass false.
widthstring?"100%"Width of the chart (e.g. 80% or 800px)
hide-timeaxisboolean?falseToggle visibility of the time axis.
color-schemestring | ColorScheme"default"Color scheme (theme) of the chart. Either use the name of one of the predefined schemes or pass a color-scheme-object of your own. See color schemes.
gridstring?falseToggle visibility of background grid.
current-timeboolean?falseToggle visibility of current time marker.
current-time-labelstring?''Text to be displayed next to the current time marker.
push-on-overlapboolean?falseSpecifies whether bars "push one another" when dragging and overlaping.
no-overlapboolean?falseIf push-on-overlap is false, toggle this to prevent overlaps after drag by snapping the dragged bar back to its original position.
row-heightnumber?40Height of each row in pixels.
highlighted-unitsnumber[]?[]The time units specified here will be visually highlighted in the chart with a mild opaque color.
fontstring"Helvetica"Font family of the chart.
label-column-titlestring?''If specified, a dedicated column for the row labels will be rendered on the left side of the graph. The specified title is displayed in the upper left corner, as the column's header.
label-column-widthstring?150pxWidth of the column containing the row labels (if label-column-title specified)

Custom Events

Event nameEvent data
click-bar{bar: GanttBarObject, e: MouseEvent, datetime?: string}
mousedown-bar{bar: GanttBarObject, e: MouseEvent, datetime?: string}
mouseup-bar{bar: GanttBarObject, e: MouseEvent, datetime?: string}
dblclick-bar{bar: GanttBarObject, e: MouseEvent, datetime?: string}
mouseenter-bar{bar: GanttBarObject, e: MouseEvent}
mouseleave-bar{bar: GanttBarObject, e: MouseEvent}
dragstart-bar{bar: GanttBarObject, e: MouseEvent}
drag-bar{bar: GanttBarObject, e: MouseEvent}
dragend-bar{bar: GanttBarObject, e: MouseEvent, movedBars?: Map<GanttBarObject, {oldStart: string, oldEnd: string}>}
contextmenu-bar{bar: GanttBarObject, e: MouseEvent, datetime?: string}


Slot nameSlot dataDescription
upper-timeunit{label: string, value: string}Content of an upper time-unit section in the time axis.
timeunit{label: string, value: string}Content of a time-unit section in the time axis.
bar-tooltip{bar: GanttBarObject}Slot for the tooltip which appears when hovering over a bar.
current-time-labelSlot for the text shown next to the current time marker when the prop current-time is set to true.
label-column-titleSlot for the title of the extra column to the left where the row labels are shown if the prop label-column-title is set.
label-column-row{ label: string } Slot for the label of a row if label-column-title is set.

Color Schemes

List of pre-defined color schemes:

  • default
  • creamy
  • crimson
  • dark
  • flare
  • fuchsia
  • grove
  • material-blue
  • sky
  • slumber
  • vue

You can also provide your own color scheme. Your custom color scheme should be an object of the following shape:

  primary: string,
  secondary: string,
  ternary: string,
  quartenary: string,
  hoverHighlight: string,
  markerCurrentTime: string,
  text: string,
  background: string,
  toast?: string